M. Isabel Valdés is the nation’s leading In-Culture Marketing™ expert, business development consultant, published author, public speaker and trainer. She is recognized for developing the In-Culture Marketing™ methodology.
She is the Principal of Isabel Valdés Consulting (IVC). IVC is a consulting firm that provides strategic business development services to companies seeking to tap, expand and penetrate the U.S. multicultural markets — using a proven five-step approach, Transforming HeartShares into MarketShares©.
Current and past client experience includes:
- A.C. Nielsen
- Albertsons Grocery Stores
- American Airlines
- Bush Brothers
- Coca-Cola
- Colgate
- Coor’s Brewing Company
- Cisco Systems
- Cricket Communications
- Direct Marketing Association
- Disney World
- Frito-Lay
- General Foods
- Harvard Business School
- Hy-Vee
- Johnson & Johnson
- Kraft
- La Opinion
- Memorial Hospital
- Mountain Dew
- Nabisco
- Nike
- People en Español
- Pepsi-Cola
- Pepsi/Frito Lay
- RepublicofTea
- Time Warner
- Tylenol
- Universal Studios
- Wakefern Food Corporation